Victor Rosas, a multi media creative based in Dallas, TX.

i try to capture feeling in anything I create

I started learning photography back in 2009, capturing photos of anything and everything around Dallas, TX. Years later I added videography and graphic design to my skill set. My company Victor Rosas Photography was launched in 2011. Today we offer services to meet all needs to capture life's memories. From headshots and portraits to grandiose weddings and corporate events in Dallas-Fort Worth and throughout the world.


Fact 1

I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas, I love to travel, I feel lucky to get to explore and experience new places.


Fact 2

I was very creative as a kid but I lost it somewhere along the way. In 2011 I picked up a camera and haven't looked back.


Fact 3

I enjoy the simpler things in life - being out and about with friends, good food, and nice views. Occasionally, I do live by the "Treat Yourself" montra.


Fact 4

Most of my work is done with natural light and true to life color. However, I'm always open to try something new.